Saturday, December 5, 2009

Quiet Night In

Well were having a quiet night in and up to - not much. I am enjoying it though. It's nice to chill and just enjoy a do nothing in particular night. We watched a film earlier and James Brown is just on. He is a great singer for his age - he must be - what? 70 maybe? His voice is still really good. Checking some blogs and sites just now I read that Amanda Knox has been found guilty of murder by an Italian court - can't say that I am surprised either.

The other thing that caught my eye was the stuff about the climate change emails and if it's going to cause problems when they meet at Copenhagen. I hope it doesn't because I would quite like my grandkids not to have to deal with our mess.

My friend brought her little baby girl round earlier for a visit. Shes a cute little baby and still only three weeks old. I like having a baby in the house now and then.

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